Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A sign that the Apocalypse is upon us...

Does anyone remember this section in Sports Illustrated back in the day?  They may even still have this column in the magazine but I (sadly) haven't read SI in a long long time (apologies to longtime SI writer and my friend Alex Wolff).  It was always a funny yet sad column and I figured I include it from time to time here in my blog.  Now I truly mean this to be a bit of joke and keep things light but the sad reality is that this stuff is real!  This makes me want to go do a triathlon and I didn't even eat it!
If you want to see even more stuff to avoid check this out.  This is why your fat .  Might make you take it a bit easier on Thanksgiving even...  ; )

Pulled Pork Donut Sandwich
(uh oh I feel my breakfast coming up...)

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