Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Motivation.

I know that not everyone is self driven or motivated to train, to lose weight, to make goals, to reach goals, to push themselves out of that warm, fuzzy comfort zone. So for those people I'm attaching this video (and a short "2-cents").

Unfortunately New Years has become a time when people decide that they should begin taking themselves and/or their habits more seriously. Here's an idea - how about taking your habits and choices seriously ALL year long! But since many people enjoy making some New Years Resolutions I will offer you this challenge - 1) Write you NYR (new yrs resolutions) down on paper, 2) Make the NYR's public (share with family/friends/coworkers), 3) Put some time lines on these NYR's.

There you go 3 simple things that will help you be more successful. If you're afraid of this then you're like everyone else but like the Nike ad says "Just Do It". You'll never have a chance if you don't at least try. And what about failing? Well how about this? What if I said that if you don't accomplish your NYR then 1 year from now we're going to chop your head off?!  Hmm, I bet you'd find a way to succeed... Ok sorry a little extreme I know - but it made you think about how you'd be successful didn't it...? 


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